Acting as a Craft (AAAC)

This is an ON-GOING workshop series which meets one day or evening weekly. However, registered participants may audit other workshops in this category FREE OF CHARGE.

"Acting As A Craft" (AAAC) is our main, uniquely designed, professional on-going program for the serious actor. 

This well-known accredited and acclaimed training program is second to none, incorporating all the necessary skills that an actor must acquire to achieve & ensure a successful career. This includes skills such as scene study, character development, script analysis, voice & diction, monologues, cold reading, intro to Shakespeare, intro to Meisner, sense memory, improvisation, emotional recall & more!


Beginner Level: Mondays 10am-1pm OR 7pm-10pm / Saturdays 2pm-5pm

Intermediate Level: Tuesdays 7pm-10pm

Advanced Level: Wednesdays 7:30pm-10:30pm

Pricing: $349.00 - 8 week session